To sign up for our choir's account with John Fletcher
The link is: https://johnfletchermusic.org/mass-jongenj-op-130/
We have signed up for 20 choir members to use the site.
Just follow this link: https://johnfletchermusic.org/group-public-registration/?group_code=ccc2022
you can then register with our group CCC and enter the code ccc2022
Once registered you will be able to access the site at any time and listen to / download rehearsal files for any choral work.
For our intended Magnificat concert late September
You can find all these works on John Fletcher ... just search for them.
There are you tube performances of all the works we are singing. Here are the links
Bach Magnificat - Gloria in Excelsis deo
Bach Magnificat - Von Himmel Hoch
Bach Magnificat BVW 243
Buxtehude Magnificat - Anima Mea Dominum
Josquin Desprez - Ave Maria
Hassler - Dixit Maria ad Angelum
Sweenlinck - Hodie Christus Natus Est
Victoria - Ave Maria
Sorry ... can't do much about the adverts on some recordings but you can usually skip within a few seconds