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I love to hear a choir.  I love the humanity to see the faces of real people devoting themselves to a piece of music.

I like the teamwork. It makes me feel optimistic about the human race when I see them cooperating like that

Paul McCartney

How to join us

The choir meets on Thursday evenings from 7:45pm to 9:45 pm and we rehearse at the Sacred Heart Church Hall in Berkhamsted. We do, of course, take all the required covid precautions. 


Like most choirs we would welcome more tenors but from time to time we have need of other voices

with  experience of choral singing and reasonable sight reading ability. Membership of the choir is subject to an informal audition.


If you are interested in joining us please contact our membership secretary by entering a message in the space below.  Please include contact details such as email address and telephone number and details about your voice and experience.  Your comments will not be posted on this page.

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Note that fields with asterix* are required so we can get in touch with you!


We will protect the information you send us in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations

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