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Minutes of Choir AGM held on 17th October 2024


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 4th July 2024


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 4th April 2024


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Choir AGM held on 21st March 2024


click the links to see pdfs of the minutes, 

the new draft constitution and the revised

rules and regulations

Minutes of Choir AGM held on 21st Sept 2023


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 14th Sept 2023


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 22nd June 2023


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 4th July 2024


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 4th April 2024


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Choir AGM held on 21st March 2024


click the links to see pdfs of the minutes, 

the new draft constitution and the revised

rules and regulations

Minutes of Choir AGM held on 21st Sept 2023


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 14th Sept 2023


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 22nd June 2023


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 4th April 2024


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Choir AGM held on 21st March 2024


click the links to see pdfs of the minutes, 

the new draft constitution and the revised

rules and regulations

Minutes of Choir AGM held on 21st Sept 2023


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 14th Sept 2023


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 22nd June 2023


click the link to see a pdf of the minutes

Chiltern Chamber Choir
Financial Statements for years ended 31ST AUGUST 2020, 2021 and 2022

Treasurer’s report

The Chiltern Chamber Choir is an unincorporated community association, and is not a registered charity. Our last AGM and financial statements were in 2019. Following the effects of the Covid Pandemic on our activities, the results of the past 3 years have been put together in one report, so that the overall picture can be seen more easily.

The choir’s reserves are £9897, which is sufficient to cover the costs of a ‘normal’ year’s concerts. The choir is currently looking for a new director, and along with this there will be a review of the level of subscriptions and the operation and legal constitution of the choir going forward.


Accounting Policies

Subscription income is recognized when received from members

Concert income represents the gross receipts. A breakdown of the income and expenditure for each concert is shown in the notes to the accounts.

Expenditure is recognized once there is a legal or constructive obligation to make a payment to a third party, it is probable that settlement will be required, and the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

The choir owns some assets, being a library of sheet music and some orchestral parts, two card readers and a CO2 monitor. The second hand value of these assets is minimal and unascertainable, so these items have been expensed when acquired.

CCC Accounts Assets Liabilities 22

CCC Accounts Inc & Exp 2022

CCC Accounts Assets Liabilities 22

Chiltern Chamber Choir Constitution

1. Name
The name of the Charity shall be Chiltern Chamber Choir, hereinafter referred to as the

2. Objects
The objects of the Charity shall be:
1. to advance, improve, develop and maintain public education in, and appreciation of,
the art and science of music in all its aspects by any means the trustees see fit,
including through the presentation of public events

3. Membership
(1) Membership is open to individuals who are approved by the trustees.
(2) The trustees may only refuse an application for membership if, acting reasonably and
properly, they consider it to be in the best interests of the Charity to refuse the
(a)The trustees must inform the applicant in writing of the reasons for the refusal
within 21 days of the decision.
(b)The trustees must consider any written representations the applicant may make
about the decision. The trustees’ decision following any written representations
must be notified to the applicant in writing but shall be final.
(3) Membership is not transferable to anyone else.
(4) The trustees must keep a register of names and addresses of the members. This must
be made available to any member upon request, assuming the relevant data
protection permissions are in place.
(5) Every member shall have one vote.

4. Termination of membership
(1) Membership is terminated if:
(a)the member dies
(b)the member resigns by written notice to the Charity;
(c)any sum due from the member to the Charity is not paid in full within six months of it
falling due;
(d)the member is removed from membership by a resolution of the trustees that it
is in the best interests of the Charity that his or her membership is terminated.
A resolution to remove a member from membership may only be passed if:
i. the member has been given at least 21 days’ notice in writing of the meeting of
the trustees at which the resolution will be proposed and the reasons why it is to
be proposed;
ii. the member or, at the option of the member, the member’s representative (who
need not be a member of the Charity) has been allowed to make representations
to the meeting;
iii. the decision to terminate the membership is communicated to the member in
question in writing within seven days of the meeting taking place;
(2) any decision made by the trustees to terminate a membership is final.

5. Officers and trustees
(1) The Charity and its property shall be managed and administered by a committee
comprising trustees elected from and by the Charity’s members (Elected Trustees)
and trustees Co-opted by existing trustees (Co-opted Trustees).
(2) All members of the committee are trustees.
(3) The Charity shall have on the committee at least the following
officers, appointed by the trustees:
i. A chair
ii. A secretary
iii. A treasurer
More officer roles can be appointed if deemed necessary by the trustees.
(4) An Elected trustee must be a member of the Charity
(5) No one may be appointed a trustee if he or she would be disqualified from
acting under the provisions of clause 8.
(6) The number of trustees shall be not less than three but shall not be subject to
any maximum.
(7) The first trustees (including officers) shall be those persons elected as
trustees and officers at the meeting at which this constitution is adopted.
(8) A trustee may not appoint anyone to act on his or her behalf at meetings of
the trustees.
6. Payment of trustees
(1) Trustees can be paid legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of the Charity
(2) Any other trustee payments, or payments to connected persons of trustees,
must be with the approval and/or permission of the Charity Commission and in
accordance with the Trustees Act 2000 and section 185 of the Charities Act
2011 where appropriate.

7. Appointment of trustees
(1)Elected Trustees
(a)The Charity in a general meeting shall elect the trustees and may elect
the officers.
(b)The trustees may appoint any person who is willing to act as a trustee.
They may also appoint trustees to act as officers.
(c)At each annual general meeting a third of Elected trustees shall retire and
be eligible for re-election up to a fixed number of three-year terms as set
out in the Charity’s rules and regulations.
(2)Co-opted Trustees
(a)In case of a vacancy arising on the committee, the trustees may co-opt a
new trustee from the members of the Charity who shall then stand for
election by members at the next annual general meeting.
(b)Where relevant, the existing trustees may also appoint Co-opted trustees
who are not a member of the Charity to provide additional expertise or
experience, provided that:
i. any such Co-opted trustees do not represent more than one third of all
ii. any such Co-opted trustees serve no more than two consecutive three
year terms.
(c) The trustees may appoint Co-opted Trustees as officers, provided that no
more than one third of all officers are Co-opted Trustees.

8. Disqualification and removal of trustees
(1) There must be at least three charity trustees. If the number falls below this minimum, the
remaining trustees may act only to call a meeting of the Charity trustees or appoint a new
charity trustee.
(2) A trustee shall cease to hold office if he or she:
(a)is disqualified from acting as a trustee by virtue of sections 178 and 179 of the
Charities Act 2011 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that
(b)ceases to be a member of the Charity as detailed in section 4
(c)in the written opinion, given to the Charity, of a registered medical practitioner
treating that person, has become physically or mentally incapable of acting as a
trustee and may remain so for more than three months;
(d)resigns as a trustee by notice to the Charity
(e)is absent without the permission of the trustees from all their meetings held
within a period of 12 consecutive months and the trustees resolve that his or her
office be vacated.

9. Powers
In furtherance of the objects but not otherwise the trustees may exercise the following
(1) power to raise funds and to invite contributions provided that in raising funds
the Committee shall not undertake any substantial permanent trading activities
and shall conform to any relevant requirements of the law;
(2) power to buy, take on lease or in exchange any property necessary for the
achievement of the objects and to maintain and equip it for use;
(3) power subject to any consents required by law to borrow money and to charge
all or part of the property of the Charity with repayment of the money so
(4) power to employ such staff as are necessary for the proper pursuit of the
objects and to make all reasonable and necessary provision for the payment
of pensions and superannuation for staff and their dependents;
(5) power to co-operate with other charities, voluntary bodies and statutory
operating in furtherance of the objects or of similar charitable purposes and to
exchange information and advice with them;
(6) power to establish or support any charitable trusts, associations or institutions
formed for all or any of the objects;
(7) power to appoint and constitute such advisory committees as the Trustees
may think fit;
(8) power to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement
of the objects.

10. Meetings and proceedings of the committee
(1) The trustees may regulate their proceedings as they think fit, subject to the
provisions of this constitution.
(2) The Committee shall hold at least [2] ordinary meetings each year. A special
meeting may be called at any time by the Chair, or by any 2 trustees, upon not
less than four days’ notice being given to the other trustees of the matters to
be discussed, but if the matter includes the appointment of a Co-opted
Trustee, then not less than 14 days’ notice must be given.
(3) Any trustee may call a meeting of the trustees.

(4) The secretary must call a meeting of the trustees if requested to do so by a
(5) The Chair shall act as chair at meetings of the trustees. If the Chair is absent
from any meeting, the trustees present shall choose one of their number to
chair the meeting before any other business is transacted.
(6) There shall be a quorum when at least one third of all trustees for the time-
being, or three trustees (whichever is the greater), are present at a meeting.
Where the committee comprises only two trustees, they shall constitute a
quorum in line with clause 8 (1)
(7) No decision may be made by a meeting of the trustees unless a quorum is
present at the time the decision is purported to be made.
(8) A trustee shall not be counted in the quorum present when any decision is
made about a matter upon which that trustee is not entitled to vote.
(9) If the number of trustees is less than the number fixed as the quorum, the
continuing trustees or trustee may act only for the purpose of filling vacancies
or of calling a general meeting.
(10) Questions shall be determined by a majority of votes of the trustees present
and voting on the question, but in the case of equality of votes, the chair of the
meeting shall have a second or ‘casting’ vote.
(11) The committee shall keep minutes of the proceedings at meetings of the
trustees and any sub-committee, and shall ensure that these are stored safely,
and that they are available for inspection as required.
(12) The trustees may appoint one or more sub-committees, consisting of three
or more trustees, for the purpose of making any enquiry or supervising or
performing any function or duty which, in the opinion of the committee, would
be more conveniently undertaken or carried out by a sub-committee: provided
that all acts and proceedings of any such sub-committee shall be fully and
promptly reported to the Trustees.
(13) Where the Charity has a conductor or music director, he or she may attend
trustee meetings except when his/her position is being considered. He/she
shall not be eligible to vote in a committee meeting.
(14) Participation in meetings by electronic means;
(a)A meeting may be held by suitable electronic means agreed by the
charity trustees in which each participant may communicate with all the
other participants.
(b)Any charity trustee participating at a meeting by suitable electronic means
agreed by the charity trustees in which a participant or participants may
communicate with all the other participants shall qualify as being present
at the meeting
(c)Meetings held by electronic means must comply with rules for meetings,
including voting by suitable electronic means.

11. Conflicts of interests and conflicts of loyalties
A Charity trustee must:
(1) declare the nature and extent of any interest, direct or indirect, which he or she has in a
proposed transaction or arrangement with the Charity or in any transaction or arrangement
entered into by the Charity which has not been previously declared; and
(2) absent himself or herself from any discussions of the Charity trustees in which it is possible
that a conflict will arise between his or her duty to act solely in the interests of the Charity and
any personal interest (including but not limited to any personal financial interest).
(3) Any trustee absenting himself or herself from any discussions in accordance with this clause
must not vote or be counted as part of the quorum in any decision of the trustees on the

12. Rules
(1) The trustees may from time to time make rules or bye-laws for the conduct of their business.
(a)The bye-laws may regulate the following matters but are not restricted to them:
(b)the admission of members of the Charity (including the admission of organisations to
membership) and the rights and privileges of such members, and the entrance fees,
subscriptions and other fees or payments to be made by members;
(c)the conduct of members of the Charity in relation to one another, and to the Charity’s
employees and volunteers;
(d)the setting aside of the whole or any part or parts of the Charity’s premises at any
particular time or times or for any particular purpose or purposes;
(e)the procedure at general meeting and meetings of the trustees in so far as such
procedure is not regulated by this constitution;
(f) generally, all such matters as are commonly the subject matter of the rules of an
unincorporated association.
(2) The trustees must adopt such means as they think sufficient to bring the rules and bye- laws
to the notice of members of the Charity.
(3) The rules or bye-laws shall be binding on all members of the Charity. No rule or bye-law shall
be inconsistent with, or shall affect or repeal anything contained in this constitution.

13. Finance
(1) The financial year shall end on the 31st August.
(2) A banking account shall be opened in the name of the Charity and payments shall be
authorised by any two trustees
(3) The income and property of the Charity shall be applied solely towards promoting the objects
of the Charity as set forth above. No portion thereof shall be paid or transferred either directly
or indirectly to any trustee except in payment of legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of the
Charity or with approval and/or permission from the Charity Commission.
14. Annual General Meeting
(1) The Charity must hold a general meeting within twelve months of the date of the
adoption of this constitution.
(2) An annual general meeting must be held in each subsequent year and not more than
15 months may elapse between successive annual general meetings.
(3) At least 21 days' written notice of an AGM shall be given to all members of the
(4) The committee shall present to each AGM the report and accounts of the Charity for
the preceding year.
(5) Nominations for Elected Trustees must be made by members of the Charity in
writing. Should nominations exceed vacancies, an election shall be held.
15. Special General Meeting
(1) All general meetings other than annual general meetings shall be called special
general meetings.
(2) The trustees may call a special general meeting at any time.
(3) At least 21 days' written notice of an SGM shall be given to all members.
(4) The trustees must call a special general meeting if requested to do so in writing by at
least ten members or one tenth of the membership, whichever is the greater. Where
the Charity has less than 30 members, the trustees must call a special general
meeting if requested to do so in writing by at least five members. The request must
state the nature of the business that is to be discussed. If the trustees fail to hold the
meeting within 28 days of the request, the members may proceed to call a special
general meeting but in doing so they must comply with the provisions of this

16. Procedure at General Meetings
(1) No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum is present.
(2) A quorum is:
(a)Three members, excluding the charity trustees, who are entitled to vote upon the
business to be conducted at the meeting; or
(b)one tenth of the total membership at the time, whichever is the greater.
(3) If:
(a)a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the
meeting; or
(b)during a meeting a quorum ceases to be present, the meeting shall be adjourned
to such
time and place as the trustees shall determine.
(4) The trustees must re-convene the meeting and must give at least seven clear days’
notice of the re-convened meeting stating the date time and place of the meeting.
(5) If no quorum is present at the re-convened meeting within 15 minutes of the time
specified for the start of the meeting the members present at that time shall constitute
the quorum.
(6) The secretary or other person specially appointed by the committee shall keep a full
record of proceedings at every general meeting of the Charity.
(7) Participation in General meetings by electronic means
(a)A general meeting may be held by suitable electronic means agreed by the
trustees in which each participant may communicate with all the other
(b)Any member participating at a meeting by suitable electronic means agreed by
the trustees in which a participant or participants may communicate with all the
other participants shall qualify as being present at the meeting.
(c)Meetings held by electronic means must comply with rules for meetings,
including chairing and the taking of minutes and voting by suitable electronic

17. Accounts
The financial accounts shall be audited or examined to the extent required by legislation
or, if there is no such requirement, scrutinized by a person who is independent of the
trustees and then submitted to the members at the Annual General Meeting.
18. Alterations to the constitution
(1) The constitution may be altered by a two-thirds majority of the members present and
voting at any General Meeting, provided that 14 days' notice of the proposed alteration has
been sent to all members and provided that nothing herein contained shall authorise any
amendment which shall have the effect of the Charity ceasing to be a charity.
(2) Amendments to any clauses will be carried out within the framework required by
legislation. Where a charity is too small to register with the Charity Commission only sub
clause (1) of this clause will be applicable.

19. Dissolution
In the event of the Charity being wound up, any assets remaining upon dissolution after the
payment of proper debts and liabilities shall be transferred to a charitable institution or institutions
having similar objects to those of the Charity.

CCC  Job Descriptions


Choral Director Calum Zuckert

  • Responsible for overall musical direction including:

  • Choosing music for concerts in consultation with the Committee Running rehearsals

  • Liaising with Choir Manager and other officers as required Liaising with rehearsal accompanist

  • Choosing and engaging accompanying musicians and soloists Approving new members




Choir Manager Marie Brewer
Responsible for day to day and long term management of the choir including:

  • Liaising with CD with regards to rehearsals, concerts, membership Liaising with and coordinating with all other office holders

  • Maintaining data base of choir members

  • Keeping choir members informed and dealing with any member’s issues. Liaising with potential new members

  • Organising Vocal Reviews for new and existing members. Liaising with other local music groups

Treasurer Ian Abrey

  • Responsible for day to day and long term management of the choir’s finances including:

  • Keeping the CD and CM informed of financial situation or any financial issues

  • Collecting subscriptions from members

  • Paying invoices and any hired musicians

  • Producing annual accounts

  • Providing information to help with review of choir subscriptions Providing input to budgeting for concerts and tours

  • Producing financial reports on each concert or concert tour Keeping all necessary insurance up to date

Librarian Chris Sanders

To ensure the timely availability of music for concerts and tours including:

  • Liaising with CD regarding music needs for future concerts and tours Liaising with choir members to determine music needs

  • Obtaining and distributing music and collecting payments as required Managing choir library

  • Managing choir folders

Publicity Officer Jane Wilde

  • Responsible for all external communications including:

  • Managing the production of pre concert publicity information including posters, emails and other social media

  • Developing a data base of members of the public who are interested in the choir

  • Keeping a record of Honorary Members and communicating with them as required Liaising with the website manager


Choir Booking Secretary Mary Harris

  • Booking the church for concerts and rehearsals

  • Booking the Court House for the annual party and after concert parties Applying for an necessary permissions such as liquor licence


Other Job Holders

Concert Manager Jeremy Biddle

  • Responsible for setting up of the venue.

Website Manager David Brown

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