member's section
rehearsal files
Rehearsal Files ... comparison
popular sources are to be found at Cyberbass, Learn Choral Music, Choraline & John Fletcher Music
they contain downloadable files of most choral works by voice part and accompaniment
you can stream online (except Learn Choral Music) or download to your computer and place in a folder for easy access or in iTunes
downloaded midi files usually need software to play on pc. Plenty of free ones on the web
or convert midi files to mp3 and also allow transfer to phone or tablets
Cyberbass (http://www.cyberbass.com)
streams midi files on line for free .. good on line player allows speed control
however mp3 downloads and learning CDs cost - typically $10 per work
Learn Choral Music (http://learnchoralmusic.co.uk)
downloadable midi files for free; but no streaming
likely need a midi player on your PC
or convert to mp3 and use on your phone or iPad
Choraline (https://www.choraline.com)
stream online and also download as mp3
but not free .. and around £13 for CD via Amazon
John Fletcher Music (https://johnfletchermusic.org)
John Fletcher produces learning files for almost every choral work.
stream online or download mp3
after download then copy or move the file to wherever you want on your hard drive
access is for free for "out of copyright works" (but you need to register)
you have pay for for "in copyright" works ( for an individual it's £10 for annual subscription or £6 for 6 months or £4 for 4 months)
Alternatively we have signed up for 20 choir members to use the site. See below for details
if you listen on your iPad or tablet, Audiostretch enables you to play any audio files and change both the speed and pitch of playback to assist learning
you can easily highlight a particularly tricky section and have it repeat endlessly until you have learned the notes!
it's available on your App Store; there's a "lite" version to try it out which only allows you to load 20% of a file but otherwise has all the facilities. The full version is £8.95 and well worth the money. John Fletcher rates it as excellent.
To sign up for our choir's account with John Fletcher
The link is: https://johnfletchermusic.org/mass-jongenj-op-130/
We have signed up for 20 choir members to use the site.
Just follow this link: https://johnfletchermusic.org/group-public-registration/?group_code=ccc2022
you can then register with our group CCC and enter the code ccc2022
Once registered you will be able to access the site at any time and listen to / download rehearsal files for any choral work.